The Comical Misadventures - Movies
Thursday, June 15, 2006


How did I manage to go this long without talking about X-Men 3?

So let's just get right into it. There will be a few minor spoilers. I'll try not to give away any endings or anything major.

First of all... I've been ok with the casting for the past two movies. This movie wasn't much different. The didn't swap out anyone and try and pass someone off that we were unfamiliar with in a role. Because there is only one person who should be playing Professor Xavier. I was happy with the addition of Kitty Pride as a speaking character. I was pleased with the depiction of Angel.

The overall story, I've heard both negative and positive comments. I can understand the fact that there are many years of comics that you make a choice at some point to stay as close, or choose to branch out. I have no problem with either option. As long as it is consistent. If the movies are going to break away from what is already founded in comic lore, that's fine. Stick with your newly created lore in the movie(s).

Keeping that in mind, I did have a couple issues with some changes that were made. Yet, they didn't bother me until they were pointed to me. For instance Juggernaut, isn't a mutant in the comics. Calisto's powers were not represented the same. The overall idea of The Phoenix as a part of Jean Grey's psyche was different. Now... these things aren't bad. Just different.

I am disappointed that several of my favorite characters had storylines that they did. I suppose that nothing is forever in comics, let alone movies. The talk has been that this is probably the last XMen movie. Possibly the idea of using the younger B-Team of characters, which would be fine.

Ok. So let's see... Casting. Good. Story. Really Good. Effects. Excellent! Ending. Sad, but hopeful?
I posted this @ 10:54 AM.............Need a link?..........

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How did I manage to go this long without talking about X-Men 3?

So let's just get right into it. There will be a few minor spoilers. I'll try not to give away any endings or anything major.

Read on...


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